Welcome to your PSAS SMA B.inggris X
What is the announcement about?
Which of the following statement is not true?
What might the camper bring?
Who must join the activity?
According to the text, what should the employees turn off each Saturday?
We can you find the announcement at these places, except ....
What is the purpose of the text?
Which one of the text is a part of "event"?
What is the monologue about?
What can we infer from the monolugue?
How old is Picasso when he died?
Why did Picasso become so popular? because ….
“She was very tired and hungry ...” (Last paragraph)
The underlined word has opposite meaning with ...
Why was Dayang Sumbi exiled in the jungle? Because she ...
Where is the legend from? It is from ..
Why did Dayang Sumbi refuse sangkuriang proposal?
Why did Snow Blue live with her uncle and aunt?
Who is the main character of the story above?
The word 'COUNT' in "count on me" has similar in meaning to ..........
When did Snow Blue run away to the woods?
Where did Snow Blue live after she ran away to the woods?
The organization of the text above is ...
The theme of the song is ..........
According to the second verse, the speaker will remind his friend about .....
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